Debashish Munshi & Priya Kurian
Aren’t the red flags around freak floods, unprecedented heat waves, long spells of severe drought, and increasing frequency of unseasonal, high-intensity typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes enough to warn us of the perils of climate change? What about the slow and steady rise of sea levels that are threatening the sheer existence of nations around the world ranging from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, Cape Verde in the Atlantic, and Kiribati in the Pacific?
Aren’t the red flags around freak floods, unprecedented heat waves, long spells of severe drought, and increasing frequency of unseasonal, high-intensity typhoons, cyclones, hurricanes and tornadoes enough to warn us of the perils of climate change? What about the slow and steady rise of sea levels that are threatening the sheer existence of nations around the world ranging from the Maldives in the Indian Ocean, Cape Verde in the Atlantic, and Kiribati in the Pacific?
Change is real and scientists are near unanimous not only about its devastating
effects on the planet we inhabit but also about its potential to create social
and economic havoc with disastrous consequences for humanity. Yet, as we also
know, nation states, especially the large and influential but fossil
fuel-guzzling and polluting ones most responsible for anthropogenic climate
change, are reluctant to take bold political steps to stem the tide. Year after
year, the grand ritual of the United Nations-mandated Conference of the Parties
(COP) yields very little in terms of tangible political change by the nations
with the most clout.
The two of us
were among 18 scholars and activists at an international symposium on Climate Futures: Re-imagining climate justice at the Rockefeller Center in Bellagio,
Italy, this month to try and find alternative pathways to move forward and do
something to push the agenda for a just climate action that brought together
issues of environmental and social justice.
While the deliberations touched
upon a number of issues, including on how to approach the COPs, there were some
interesting discussions along the side-lines as well. One of these
discussions revolved around the need to champion people with a strong
environmental and social conscience and a willingness to lead, who can be
actively involved at the COPs and other meetings of nation states. In
democracies, as many of the influential countries indeed are, the only
pragmatic way would be to get such people elected to the highest public
offices. On paper, the solution seems simple – mobilise people to vote for
people with such a conscience. In other words, get the people most concerned
about climate change to go out and vote for candidates who reflect this concern,
and target and inform those who seem less concerned with focused communication
interventions. In practice, of course, the challenges to such actions are many.
Yet, they are nevertheless important to include in the array of measures
advocated by climate justice activists.
science researchers working in the area of science and technology already have a
conceptual map that can be the foundation for such a communication
intervention. In 2009, Anthony Leiserowitz and his colleagues outlined what
they called “Global Warming’s Six Americas” in which they classified the US
into six distinctly identifiable groups based on their attitudes towards
climate change: the Alarmed, the Concerned, the Cautious, the Disengaged, the
Doubtful, and the Dismissive. Studies involving such demographic
categorisations on attitudes to climate change have subsequently been extended
to India and Australia as well.
Now, there
is a study, published in Public Understanding of Science, by Julia
Metag, Tobias Füchslin and Mike S. Schäfer of the University of Zurich on ‘Globalwarming’s five Germanys: A typology of Germans’ views on climate change andpatterns of media use and information’ which adds to the scholarship in this
area. This study is currently published online ahead of print. Metag, Füchslin
and Schäfer note that Germany too has this demographic divide but, unlike, in
the US, there is no category of the “dismissive”.
What is
particularly interesting about the studies by Leiserowitz et al and Metag et al
is that they identify a direct correlation between the characteristics of each
of the categories and their use of communication channels such as the mass
media and the internet. By and large, those most alarmed by climate change used
the media most and sought for information across a variety of media channels
while those in the other categories had a markedly lower use of the media with
the last couple of categories relying mainly on family and friends for sources
of information.
As Metag et
al point out, these “results are relevant not only for the scientific study of
attitudes toward climate change” but also “for communication campaigns to raise
people’s awareness of and actions toward climate change”. For example, since
the ‘Doubtful’ “do not look for information about climate change intentionally
but come across it during their everyday, routine media use”, this group could
be “confronted with information about climate change unexpectedly on
television, as ‘by-catch’ while watching something else”. Similarly, the
‘Disengaged’ who “do not engage much in environmentally friendly behavior,
perhaps due to their lower social status, especially their low income” could
be addressed with entertaining information
that “stress inexpensive methods for changing behavior” through tabloids, their
preferred media. See the article by Metag et al for further details.
communication campaigns on changing attitudes could work hand-in-hand with
political initiatives to get political figures most likely to work on climate
action elected to decision-making bodies and with other initiatives, such as
grassroots community-level work, to create a momentum towards transformative
change for climate justice.